О родительской ассоциации

The Buckley Parents’ Association (PA) brings together more than six hundred families. The PA relies on the generous help of volunteers each year and is a great way to get involved in The Buckley School community. All parents and guardians are automatically members of the Parents' Association.

Мероприятия и встречи

The PA works to build strong relationships between parents and the school. All families are welcome to become involved with association-led events, such as the annual Welcome Back Bash and Buckley Fair. PA involvement is varied and flexible to meet every schedule. Meetings are held alternately in the mornings and evenings throughout the school year and options to volunteer can be found on large or small committees. All funds raised by the PA are donated to the school to directly support Buckley programs.

The Parents' Association meets regularly throughout the school year. A schedule of meetings, as well as meeting minutes, can be found under the Parents' Association resource board on MyBUCKLEY.

Возможности для волонтеров 

Родители-волонтеры подают сильный пример нашим ученикам. Они проводят тысячи часов, выполняя важнейшие задачи в Бакли - от планирования книжной ярмарки в младшей школе до поддержки артистов старшей школы за кулисами, сбора использованной униформы и участия в общественной деятельности через работу по обслуживанию. Кроме того, ПА Бакли вносит важный вклад в операционный бюджет школы и бюджет финансовой помощи, ежегодно проводя различные мероприятия по сбору средств, такие как Party Book, Gala и ярмарка. ПА выполнила обещание в размере $500 000 на первом этапе кампании "Dare to be More" и сейчас находится в процессе выполнения первого обещания в размере $1 млн на втором этапе этой кампании.



Почти новая униформа

В течение года на крупных мероприятиях у семей есть возможность приобрести товары под маркой Buckley и почти новую униформу. Выручка от продажи NNU идет на нашу программу финансовой помощи, а также на наши усилия по сбору средств в течение года. Все товары продаются по цене $5.


Что такое партийная книга?

Party Book is an online catalog of social events for members of the Buckley Community, hosted by the Buckley Community. Hosts pay for the parties, and people pay to come to the events.

We are so grateful to so many families who are willing to share their homes, hobbies, and special talents with us – all in the spirit of community and connection.

Attending these events is a great way for you to have fun, build community, and strengthen bonds while supporting The Buckley School! 

We hope you have fun spending time with old friends and making new ones while supporting Buckley!

Предстоящие вечеринки


Заинтересованы в проведении встречи для Party Book?

  • Do you have a talent, skill, or passion you're interested in sharing with our community?
  • Are you looking for a way to get involved with Party Book, but not sure how?
  • Do you have an idea for a party but are not sure how to proceed? 

Email us at [email protected]

We can't wait to hear from you!

Стулья для книг для вечеринок

  • Christine Chiu
  • Christine Blackman 
  • Craig Doherty 
  • JoAnne Wannarachue Lord 

Events and ways to get involved: